የቤተ ክርስቲያናችን መሠረት የተጣለው በ፲፱፻፺፪ ዓ.ም. በደቡብ ፍሎሪዳ የሚኖሩ ምዕመናን ተሰባስበው የመድኃኔ ዓለምን ጽዋ ዝክር ማድረጋቸው ሲሆን ከዚያም በ፳፻፪ ዓ.ም. ታቦተ መድኃኔ ዓለም ተባርኮ ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን አገልግሎቱን ጀመረ። ደብሩም በብፁዕ አቡነ አብርሃም (በወቅቱ የዋሺንግተን ዲሲ እና አካባቢው ሊቀ ጳጳስ) “መንበረ ፀሐይ” ተብሎ ተሰይሟል።
በፍሎሪዳ ግዛት ካለው የኑሮ ውድነት አንጻር የራሳችን የሆነ ቦታ አግኝቶ ለመግዛት በጣም ውድ በመሆኑ ቋሚ ቦታ ሳይኖረን በርካታ ዓመታትን ያሳለፍን ሲሆን፤ በእግዚአብሔር ቸርነት አሁን ያለንበትን ቦታ (በMiami Gardens የሚገኘውን) ለመግዛት ችለናል።
የአዲሱን ቤ/ክ ቅዳሴ ቤት ለማክበር እና ታቦተ ቅዱስ ገብርኤልን ባርኮ ለማስገባት በተያዘው መርሐ ግብር መሠረት ጥር ፪ ቀን ፳፻፲፪ ዓ.ም. (January 11, 2020) የሀገረ ስብከታችን ሊቀ ጳጳስ ብፁዕ አቡነ ያዕቆብ ከሊቃውንተ ቤተ ክርስቲያን እና ከሀገረ ስብከቱ ኃላፊዎች ጋር ተገኝተው ታቦተ ቅ/ገብርኤልን ባርከው አስገብተዋል። የደብሩ ስያሜ “የማያሚ መንበረ ፀሐይ ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ቤተ ክርስቲያን” ተብሎ ተሰየመ። የደብሩ አስተዳዳሪም “መልአከ ፀሐይ” ተብለው እንዲጠሩ ሊቀ ጳጳሱ ፈቀዱ።
የቤ/ክ አገልግሎት እጅግ ባማረና በተጠናከረ መልኩ ቀጥሏል። ዝኒ ኮነ በፈቃደ እግዚአብሔር።
The gathering and praying together of Christians (called in Ethiopic Tsiwa mahber) which was begun in 2000, was a key foundation for establishing the current church in South Florida. Then in 2010, the Church was consecrated after the name of the Holy Savior (Medhane-Alem) and the parish was given the name “Menbere-Tsehay Medhane-Alem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in South Florida” which was consecrated by His Grace Abune Abraham, the archbishop of Washington D.C. and its surrounding dioceses.
As life is expensive in Florida, it was difficult to own our church. So we used to wander in various places in South Florida to perform church worship and related services. Finally, with the guidance of God, in 2016, we established our own church located in Miami Gardens.
The newly owned church was consecrated by His Grace Abune Ya’ekob, Archbishop of our diocese on January 11, 2020, and the newly Tabot (Ark) was blessed after the name of Archangel St. Gabriel. Hence the Archbishop proclaimed that the church is named “Miami Menbere Tsehay St. Gabriel Church” and the newly dignitary church title for the church administrator to be “Mel’ake Tsehay”. The church ceremony was attended by diocesan heads, Church fathers and deacons, and a multitude of Christians.
Currently, the Church is giving different ecclesiastical services, which we believe the will of God is with us.
2970 Northwest 215th Street, Miami Gardens, Florida 33056, United States